Lorraine founded LFCP in 2003. LFCP is accelerating climate and environmental action in cultural heritage through knowledge sharing, resource creation and training, and provides conservation and preservation services.
Lorraine is an entrepreneur, director, Chair, mentor and advisor. She is an accredited conservator specialising in the conservation and preservation of archives, focusing on photographs, film and sound.
Lorraine is certified carbon literate and is an accredited Carbon Literacy trainer.
Lorraine is a co-founder and the Chair of the Institute of Conservation’s, Sustainability Network. She was presented with a David Middleton Sustainability award in recognition.
She is a member of the Climate Heritage Network, Heritage Declares, a Director of Climate Museum UK and a signatory of the Terra Carta. Lorraine works closely with the environmental sustainability groups and movements in cultural heritage including the American Institute of Conservation Sustainability Committee and Fit for the Future.
Lorraine was a Trustee and Director of the Institute of Conservation (Icon) from 2016 to 2022. She was a member of the Icon Professional Standards Development Committee from 2017 to 2022 ensuring that cultural heritage upholds its standards and works to ensure a diverse and inclusive workforce. Lorraine was Chair of the Icon Ethics Task and Finish Group which published the Icon Ethical Guidance in 2020.